Become A Pal

Apply to Become a Birdingpal

Thank you for applying to become a Pal.

A Birding Pal is someone who wants to be a host to visitors who travel from anywhere in the world.
You should enjoy guiding people bird watching in your local area.
You will need to know good hotspots to go birding,
You will be expected to have several years experience bird watching and be able to identify many local species.

Pals are required to answer every message sent to them, even if it is to say you are unavailable.
You may forward any questionable email to us for staff to review.
We suggest you use our system to let us know who you will be meeting with, where and when.
This can help you and them in case of emergency.

If your application is approved we ask you to subscribe for $10 USD a year using the payment company for ebay.
If you do not already have a passphrase please go to:
Successful listings may ask to be removed or to be temporarily "hidden" at anytime.
Staff may deny applications or remove any listing; subscriptions will be refunded.

You will receive a notification email about the status of your application.

Please note: Pals do not ask for payment to go birding with Pals.
Our policy suggests Pals should contribute to pay costs for entrance fees, gas/rental and lunch/expenses.

If you are a professional guide, or want to become one you'll need a subscription for $10 a month.

Apply to Become a Birding Pal

Please sent your info to

This section is for your PUBLIC listing and all fields are required
First Name:
Last Name:
If necessary you may list more than one location.
Area and Hotspots:
Please describe your area and list named hotspots you'd like to go to with a Pal; like reserves, preserves, conservations, sanctuaries, parks, forests, mountains, wetlands, islands etc.
Areas birds:
List of Birds that you can show visitors that are interesting, rare, migrating, nesting, mating, "dive bomber fishing" etc.
Please write an exciting paragraph about yourself and what birding with you would be like.
Your availability
Start with "anytime" vs "weekends" then get specific. For example: "only Sunday mornings," "except April," or "Sept. until June in Germany"
Languages that you speak well.
Attach a small photo to make your listing unique
Url to your online lifelist
List of Interests: Delete all that do not apply to you.  Add any that are missing.

Nature: birdwatching, twitching, photography, butterflies, fishing, skiing, swimming, beach, surfing, snowmobiling, sky diving
Travel: stroll, walking, hiking, climbing, train, bus, car, hitchhiking, biking, long walk, backpack, portage, canoe, ship, cruise, pilot, dog sled, snow mobile
Visit: tourist site, museum, restaurant, club, vineyard, ski run/trail, monument, arboretum, architecture appreciation, shop, antique, fashion, tech, casino
Attend: concert, horse race, ballet, dance show, theatre, live music, sports event, auction, antique, convention, political rally, protest, competition, swap
Participate: night life, party, dance, club, bar, rock, country, classical, hiphop, rap, swing, wine, beer, liquor, revival, ceremony, flash mob, round table
Play: cards, sports, boardgames, billiards, chess, checkers, scrambled letters games, lawn games, water sports, computer games, motor sports
This section is for info that is kept PRIVATE and used only by staff. We ask for it so that we would be able to help you if you ever need it.
Website or social media profile:
Contact in case of emergency:
Birding Pal